Looking for someone? Click burial search on the tab or top right corner.
Follow the prompts below:

Once you enter the information click SEARCH (If you do NOT have their legal first and last name, you will not be able to locate the person you’re looking for).
The person you are looking for will pop up with their burial date in BLUE. Click on the person you’re looking for.

Then you will find all the interment information. See example below:

On the top right corner, you will find the map icon click on it and a map will pop up.

Next click on the walking icon or driving icon (see icons below) that will then open up google maps and take you directly to the person you’re looking for.

NOTE: You do not need to add additional information in the prompts to locate the person. You can still find who you are looking for with just their legal first and last name.
On the map this is what the meaning of the colors are:
- Blue on the map means occupied.
- Green means sold.
- White means avaliable.
- Yellow means unavaliable due to water lines, trees, ect.
Please note that we are working on this every day to make sure the colors are all accurate. Thank you for your patience. Feel free to call our office with any questions (209) 358-3703.